
BETHANY, W.Va. – A student in the Bethany College Freshman Honors Seminar is undertaking a photography project showcasing the natural beauty across campus.

Hailee Vizyak, of Wellsburg, W.Va., said the effort originated when Debra Hull, visiting professor of psychology and leader of the seminar, assigned a creative project illustrating how each student connected with nature.

“I chose to illustrate this connection through photography by taking photos on the hiking trails, at the wildflower garden, and at some other areas around campus that caught my attention,” Vizyak said.

Click here to see more of Vizyak’s photos.

Hailee VizyakHull said the seminar is exploring the natural world in and around Bethany as part of its study of Appalachia.

Hailee did an exceptional job of capturing the beauty of the world around us and integrating words and images,” Hull said.

Vizyak said she plans to continue her photography through the academic year to capture the changing seasons. At Hull’s encouragement Vizyak plans to present her photos and her related writings during Bethany’s Honor Symposium in the spring.


Bethany College, founded in 1840, is the oldest private college in West Virginia. The Bethany experience focuses on academic excellence in the area of liberal arts and prepares students for a lifetime of work and a life of significance.