
Student Life

Student Activities & Organizations

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Get Involved

Bethany welcomes student involvement across campus and beyond.

We hope everyone will take advantage of the opportunities available to connect with peers and further develop skills and ideas. Whether you are interested in photography, Greek Life, community service, drama, film, or the outdoors, Bethany has something for you.

College is a time of self-discovery, and we encourage you to fully immerse yourself in the Bethany experience. Trying something new now, while you have the resources, might just alter the path of your future.

Once you make the decision to step up and embrace the unknown, you will discover passions you never saw coming and find friends you never see leaving. We provide you with the opportunity, but the choice is yours. Make your time here count!

Fast Facts

Best small college in West Virginia

student clubs and organizations

Faculty to student ratio

Study Abroad Countries

Student Groups & Organizations

We have more than 30 different organized activities right on campus, a chance for you to explore your passion, to show who you are, to relax, to enjoy, or to dig in and help the community. To learn more about how to join a group, call Student Affairs at 304.829.7631.

Equestrian Club

Student Government Association

Greener Bethany

Outdoors Club

Student Activities

Greek Life

Our Greek system encourages scholarship, fosters leadership, and allows for experiences, such as philanthropies and community service, on a more accessible scale to the undergraduate student. The position of Bethany College is that the Greek System be an integral part of the Bethany community, and play a prideful role in the overall education of undergraduate students.

Fraternities & Sororities

Community Service Opportunities

Bethany College offers multiple community service opportunities throughout the year to benefit the campus community and local area.


Get Involved at Bethany Today

From community service to Greek Life, student clubs to student government, Bethany offers something for everyone. Take advantage of the opportunities available to connect with peers and further develop skills and ideas.