
BETHANY, W.Va. – The Bethany College Career Center and Business Club hosted a professional portrait shoot and a resume workshop for the campus community Tuesday.

Taylor Stinnett, president of the Business Club, said about 50 students, faculty and staff signed up for a portrait appointment with Anthony Sparks ’13, of Sparks Productions in Morgantown, W.Va.

Stinnett, a senior accounting major from Barberton, Ohio, said the idea for the portrait shoot stemmed from her own experience with a summer internship. When the company requested a photo for use for internal communications, she submitted a selfie and realized that many students likely do the same.

A professional portrait session can cost about $300 per person, a sum many can’t afford, Stinnett said.

She said she was pleased with the turnout that resulted in one person after another streaming into the Career Center between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. with minimal downtime.

Students also had the opportunity to select free business attire in the Professional Image Center.

The Career Center is considering hosting a second portrait session before the end of the semester.

Stinnett and other members of the Business Club handled appointments, scheduling and logistics as part of the campus outreach event. The club also will adopt a local family for Easter as part of community outreach effort.


Bethany College, founded in 1840, is the oldest private college in West Virginia. The Bethany experience focuses on academic excellence in the area of liberal arts and prepares students for a lifetime of work and a life of significance.